Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The government shouldnt be cutting spending...?

Quote "families are cutting back, so the worst thing we could do as government is cut back ourselves" Does that make any sence to you?

Yea me neither, this is a time when much necessary cutting back on spending needs be be taking place by everyone, INCLUDING THE GOVERNMENT. We have spent to much, and too recklessly, so why will spending even more help us get out of the hole we have gotten ourselves in??? It is an easy game, we need to cut spending (especially overseas) and we need to lower taxes. We also need to audit the federal reserve which is currently printing money out of thin air to pay for our spending. It is really a pretty bad scenario because the federal reserve basically punishes people who want to save because they inflate the dollar so badly that it looses its value. In doing this they try to encourage spending because in our system holding onto your dollars (ie. saving your income) actully hurts you because it is worth less later on down the road. Our way of doing thinngs will come to an end one way or another. Either the dollar is going to collaspe, or we will come to our sences and realize we are doing many things wrong in regards to regulating our economy as well as regulating production of the dollar.

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